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United States
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Last modified on 2023-12-06 03:03:44
**About the AHRQ Safety Program for Telemedicine** The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) recognizes both the promise and potential risks of telemedicine as it expands across the United States. The AHRQ Safety Program for Telemedicine will combine evidence-based guidance with implementation strategies to improve care within the telemedicine setting by developing a culture of patient safety and improving communication and teamwork between healthcare providers (HCPs) and staff and among HCPs and patients. The AHRQ Safety Program for Telemedicine provides practices with evidence-based patient safety practices, individualized expert coaching, and technical assistance from physician subject matter experts to support practices in the following areas: - Understanding the science of safety and how it applies to antibiotic use - Designing and implementing interventions to improve antibiotic use within a telemedicine setting - Improving teamwork and communication The program is focused on improving antibiotic use and will include primary care and ambulatory care practices who provide care exclusively via telemedicine or via a mix of telemedicine and in-person visits. The program will begin in June 2024 and is currently welcoming practices.
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