Sponsor Type
United States
Grant Type
Collaboration/Cooperative Agreement
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Last modified on 2024-06-15 20:39:27
The Army Rapid Capabilities Office was created in August 2016 to expedite acquisition of select capabilities. The Army Rapid Capabilities Office will enable the Army to experiment, evolve and deliver technologies in real time to address both urgent and emerging threats, while supporting acquisition reform efforts. MISSION The Army Rapid Capabilities Office will expedite the fielding of critical combat capabilities to the warfighter and enhance materiel responses to meet Combatant Commanders' needs. The Army Rapid Capabilities Office will rapidly develop, acquire, integrate and equip selected capabilities; implement streamlined acquisition methods, processes and techniques; and act as an agent of change by challenging traditional approaches. Although flexible in its capability, the Army Rapid Capabilities Office will primarily focus on the highest Army requirements with an intent to deliver an operational effect within one to five years.
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Added on 2018-03-27T08:20:21Z
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