Sponsor Type
United States
Grant Types
Fellowship/Scholarship/Dissertation Other
 Contact Info
200 B Armstrong Road, Garden City Park, NY 11040
Last modified on 2023-11-30 19:45:23
We are a group of passionate, dedicated individuals who work every day to raise money, awareness, and support for the cystic fibrosis community. **Mission Statement** The Boomer Esiason Foundation is a dynamic partnership of leaders in the medical and business communities joining with a committed core of volunteers to heighten awareness, education and quality of life for those affected by cystic fibrosis, while providing financial support to research aimed at finding a cure. **The Boomer Esiason Foundation works to ensure that:** - The brightest researchers and scientists, who every day come closer to finding a cure for cystic fibrosis, have the resources they need to expand and accelerate their efforts; - Dedicated doctors and caregivers have access to innovative and effective treatments that ease the suffering and enhance the lives of the children and adults afflicted with cystic fibrosis; - People from all walks of life are educated and motivated to become committed participants in the ongoing battle against cystic fibrosis; - Those directly affected by cystic fibrosis are encouraged and empowered to fully understand this deadly disease and to take active roles in combating it; and - Students and hospital staffs are provided with the financial resources and educational tools they need to prepare for life’s challenges and to create a legacy of quality healthcare for generations to come. - To achieve its mission, the Boomer Esiason Foundation sponsors a series of diverse annual fundraising events. It also relies on individual pledges, corporate contributions and philanthropic grants.
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