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9609 Medical Center Drive, Rockville, MD 20892-9760
Last modified on 2024-05-27 10:17:11
About the Center for Global Health NCI's Global Health Hub for Discovery, Dissemination, and Development The Center for Global Health (CGH) was established in 2011 by NCI to incorporate cancer control into global health programs, foster relevant research activities throughout the NCI extramural and intramural divisions, and work closely with many potential collaborators having shared objectives. We remain committed to maximizing NCI's global impact. Mission CGH supports the NCI mission by advancing global cancer research and coordinating NCI engagement in global cancer control. Vision The CGH vision is to reduce worldwide cancer suffering through global scientific discovery and dissemination. Two fundamental beliefs underlie this vision. First, current tools for achieving global cancer control are inadequate and new discoveries are needed. Second, existing tools for achieving global cancer control have been incompletely applied and greater population-level dissemination is needed. Core Values CGH’s core values are impact, equity, and collaboration. These values inform CGH efforts to lead innovative programs with partners within and outside of NCI. The goals for these programs focus on research, research training, dissemination, and partnership, primarily in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Goals CGH goals primarily focus on LMIC settings for CGH-led programs: - support innovative, impactful research that (a) addresses key scientific issues in global cancer control and/or (b) leverages unique or unusual scientific opportunities afforded by collaboration with global partners - support cancer research training that enables equitable, impactful global scientific collaboration - promote the integration of current scientific knowledge into global cancer control policies and practice - represent NCI and promote its engagement with key partners in global cancer research and control
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