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United States
Last modified on 2024-02-05 06:24:06
**Our Mission and Vision**
[![CSC staff in listed order: Amy, Joe, Luisa, Markya, Luis, and Julie](https://studentaffairs.jhu.edu/socialconcern/wp-content/uploads/sites/30/2023/11/CSC-Staff-Photo-300x225.jpg)](https://studentaffairs.jhu.edu/socialconcern/wp-content/uploads/sites/30/2023/11/CSC-Staff-Photo-scaled.jpg)The Center for Social Concern (CSC) fosters a lifelong commitment to active citizenship among JHU students by integrating education, action, and reflection into community-focused programming within Baltimore City. Reflected in our approach, we envision a world in which Hopkins students are active citizens within their current and future communities. The CSC’s ultimate goal is to inspire our students to become active citizens within a pluralistic democracy.
**Our Approach**
The CSC’s ultimate goal is to inspire our students to become active citizens within a pluralistic democracy. In order to work towards this goal, the CSC utilizes a model of *Education, Action,* and *Reflection.* By providing educational trainings, coordinating engagement opportunities within Baltimore City, and facilitating spaces for critical reflection, the CSC cultivates students who prioritize community in their values and life choices.[![Education, Action, Reflection Graphic. Core to who the CSC is](https://studentaffairs.jhu.edu/socialconcern/wp-content/uploads/sites/30/2023/05/Education-Action-Reflection-Graphic-300x264.png)]
**Our Work**
The CSC integrates our model of education, action, and reflection across a wide range of programs. [Our programs](https://studentaffairs.jhu.edu/socialconcern/programs/) give students an opportunity to volunteer with community organizations, tutor Baltimore youth, and participate in community-engaged academic courses. Beyond our programs, the CSC also supports university-wide initiatives like [Hopkins Votes](https://hopkinsvotes.jhu.edu/) and [Hopkins Engage](https://jhu.givepulse.com/group/326481-Johns-Hopkins-University) (a volunteer management platform).
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