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United States
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6001 Dodge Street, Durham Science Center, Omaha, NE 68182-0199
Last modified on 2020-07-28 21:00:44
Geography is the study of Earth’s landscapes, peoples, places, and environments. The Geography Program at UNO prepares students to achieve successful and satisfying careers in a culturally diverse, high-tech, interconnected global society. Geography is much more than learning about what is where; it is the discipline that seeks to answer powerful questions, such as: - Why do some regions of the world enjoy peace and prosperity while others endure poverty and the ravages of war? - What will happen as the world runs out of oil, and what can we do to better manage this and other vital resources? - How will climate change affect people and biodiversity in different places and at different times? Is our society really becoming less equitable, and if so, why? There is perhaps no other discipline as diverse as geography – an enviable strength given the complex and inter-disciplinary nature of the social, economic, and environmental challenges we face today. Geographic knowledge and skills are central to the future of the developing global society. The world needs inquisitive, well-rounded thinkers; the world needs geographers!
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