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121 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. N. Dover DE, 19901
Last modified on 2018-07-04 03:26:24
ORGANIZATION DLA is governed by an Executive Board and includes divisions reflecting types of libraries or other common interests. The Association is a chapter of the American Library Association. GOAL OBJECTIVES The goal of the Delaware Library Association is to promote the profession of librarianship, advocate for library services, and provide library information to the people of Delaware by developing a unified library association. The following objectives are integral to the achievement of the goal of the Association: Advocacy / Value of the Profession Increase public awareness of the value and impact of libraries of all types. Increase public awareness of the value and impact of librarians and library staff. Mobilize, support, and sustain grassroots advocacy for libraries and library funding at local, state, and federal levels. Increase public awareness of the importance of intellectual freedom, privacy, and the role of libraries in a democracy. Education Provide continuing education and continuous learning opportunities for librarians and library staff. Make continuing education programs affordable and accessible in a wide variety of media and formats. Public Policy Promote all forms of literacy. Promote First Amendment rights, intellectual freedom, and privacy. Facilitate equity of access and fair use. Support grassroots efforts to influence local, state, and federal policies and standards that affect library and information services. Organizational Performance Improve communication, cooperation, and collaboration throughout the Association, employing all communication channels, including electronic and virtual. Affirm and communicate the value of active membership in the Association. Recruit and retain members. Provide opportunities for members to develop personal and organizational skills. Increase opportunities for participation in DLA and its leadership positions. HISTORY The Delaware Library Association was organized on January 18, 1934. Children’s Services Division (CSD) was formed in 1980. The members of Delaware School Library Media Association (DSLMA) voted to join DLA as a Division in 1980. DLA will celebrate its 80th birthday in 2014. DLA is totally volunteer operated and depends on the participation of its members. DLA is a small, all-volunteer organization.
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