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Last modified on 2024-06-24 23:08:02
Boosting Europe by building, from earth to space, a healthy society, a competitive industry and a digital economy.
HaDEA's Vision
To implement actions that strengthen Europe in the domains of health, food safety, digital technologies and networks, industrial capacities and space. We provide high quality and service-oriented support, with the aim to enable European society to become more healthy, resilient and fair and European industry to become more competitive. We ensure that the projects funded by the HaDEA deliver concrete results that benefit the lives of all EU citizens and provide the European Commission with valuable input for its policies.
Sponsor Relationship
European Health and Digital Executive Agency is not a part of any other sponsors in our database.
No sponsors in our database are part of European Health and Digital Executive Agency.
Most Recent Grants from This Sponsor
No grants from this sponsor remain active at the moment.
Deadline Approaching Grants
No grants from this sponsor have deadline within a month period.