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+46 (0) 8 534 818 85
Vasagatan 15-17, 4th Floor, 111 20 Stockholm, Sweden
Last modified on 2023-11-15 02:57:24
**Toward a better world** As one of the largest and most prestigious international exchange programs in the world today, the main objective of the Fulbright Program is to increase mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other nations through the sharing of ideas, knowledge, skills and individual experiences. Fulbright Program grantees are expected to demonstrate outstanding academic performance and actively contribute to the promotion of mutual understanding as cultural ambassadors of their country. The Fulbright Program was established in 1946 under legislation introduced by then Senator J. William Fulbright of Arkansas. He felt his most important contribution in his long political career had been the establishment of the exchange program. Senator Fulbright passed away on February 9, 1995. At his memorial service, U.S. President Bill Clinton stated: "The Fulbright Scholarship Program is a perfect example of Fulbright's faith—different kinds of people learning side by side, building what he called 'a capacity for empathy, a distaste for killing other men, and an inclination for peace.’ Now it includes as its alumni Nobel Prize winners, members of Congress, leaders for peace and freedom the world over, and many not-so-famous people who went home to live out the faith of Senator Fulbright.... No matter what their native tongue, all of them are now known by the same name—Fulbrights."
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