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United States
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945 Technology Blvd, Ste. 101F, Bozeman, MT 59718
Last modified on 2024-03-23 01:05:55
We empower donors, volunteers, businesses, governments, nonprofits, and community groups to invest in neighbors to improve the quality of life for everyone here. Working together, we identify the community’s most critical needs in four impact areas (below) and implement collaborative, innovative solutions to improve lives in Gallatin, Madison, Meagher and Park Counties. Despite all of its outward beauty and prosperity, our community has its challenges. With your donation or gift of volunteering, we creativley mobilize the best resources and forge partnerships to collectively provide services and HOPE to those who are feeling alone, stressed and worried about their financial stability, housing, food needs, childcare, eldercare, substance misuse, anxiety, depression and other mental health concerns. We have one life. To live better, we must LIVE UNITED. **Mission Statement:** Greater Gallatin United Way’s (GGUW) mission is to improve lives by mobilizing the caring power of our communities. We accomplish this mission by identifying priority needs, forming innovative partnerships, finding new solutions to old problems, securing resources, and inspiring individuals to join the fight against our communities’ most daunting challenges. **Vision Statement:** GGUW envisions local communities where all individuals and families achieve their full potential. **GGUW’s key priorities include three community impact areas:** 1) Ensuring Basic Needs Are Met: All community members experience an improved quality of life because more people’s basic needs are met. 2) Early Learning: Helping our youngest citizens get a jump start on their love of learning and prepared for kindergarten. 3) Youth Success: Children and youth consistently get a strong start and have a solid foundation for success in school, work, and life. Health and Well-Being: Our community is healthier and more resilient due to a shift to a new collective mindset and understanding of behavioral health / mental well-being and how to improve whole-person health. GGUW strategic initiatives include GGUW Community Investment/Impact initiative, kidsLINK Afterschool Program, Dolly Parton's Imagination Library, The Resilience Project, Volunteer Engagement ([www.volunteermt.org](http://www.volunteermt.org)), and disaster relief funds such as SWMT COVID-19 Response Fund and Bridger Foothills Fire Relief Fund jointly managed with One Valley Community Foundation and the SWMT Flood Relief Fund jointly managed with Park County Community Foundation.
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