Sponsor Type
United States
 Contact Info
PO Box 570, Jefferson City, MO 65102-0570
Last modified on 2023-07-06 05:18:24
**The DHSS Vision, Mission, and Values** The new DHSS Vision is “Optimal health and safety for all Missourians, in all communities, for life.” This vision statement includes both “health” and “safety” since many DHSS divisions and programs are designed to serve Missourians to improve their health outcomes and ensure they live healthy lives in safety. The phrases “in all communities” and “for life” call out our commitment to serve Missourians regardless of where they live and throughout all stages of life. The new DHSS Mission is “to promote health and safety through prevention, collaboration, education, innovation, and response”. Our mission defines how we will work to achieve our vision. The new DHSS values are: excellence, collaboration, access, integrity, and accountability. These are defined as: | Value | Definition | | ------------ | ------------ | | Excellence | We strive to empower our team members to deliver quality services and exceed the needs of Missourians | | Collaboration | We engage and communicate openly with a diverse group of partners to improve health for all Missourians | | Access | We deliver services to Missourians in a manner that is sensitive to their unique needs and circumstances while reflecting our rich, diverse community | | Integrity | We conduct services with a consistency of character in a highly principled manner by honoring our commitments and maintaining our ethics | | Accountability | We embrace responsibility for our work and ensure Missourians view us as a trusted source of information |
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