Other Name
Sponsor Type
United States
Grant Types
Internship/Work-study Research Project Collaboration/Cooperative Agreement
 Contact Info
(301) 796-4880
10903 New Hampshire Ave WO1, Silver Spring, MD 20993
Last modified on 2024-08-22 10:31:27
Office of the Chief Scientist The Office of the Chief Scientist provides strategic leadership, coordination, and research expertise that support scientific excellence, innovation, and capacity to achieve FDA's public health mission. The Office of the Chief Scientist (OCS) supports the research foundation, science, and innovation that underpins FDA’s regulatory mission. It does this through a broad framework that encompasses scientific collaborations, laboratory safety, the transfer of FDA inventions to the private sector, scientific integrity in FDA policy- and decision-making, the professional development of regulatory scientists, and its core research component—FDA’s National Center for Toxicological Research—which generates the vital data FDA requires for its regulatory decision-making and development of sound regulatory policy. The OCS offices, programs, and research center leading these scientific activities are highlighted below.
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Most Recent Grants from This Sponsor
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Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-FD-23-004 The Office of the Chief Scientist (OCS) in FDA's...
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Deadline Approaching Grants
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