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 Contact Info
(217) 333-6677
Swanlund Administration Building, 601 E John Street, MC 304, Champaign, IL 61820
Last modified on 2023-10-20 08:13:24
**About the Provost** The Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Provost is Illinois’ chief academic officer. **What is a provost anyway?** At Illinois, the provost is the chief academic officer for the campus and is responsible for developing and assessing academic programs, managing a budget of over $2 billion, and supervising academic personnel policies and academic administration. Deans and directors of academic units [report to the provost](https://provost.illinois.edu/about/reporting-units/). The provost, in turn, reports to the [chancellor](http://chancellor.illinois.edu) and serves as the campus’s chief executive when the chancellor is absent. The [Office of the Provost](https://provost.illinois.edu/about/provosts-staff/) ensures the excellence of Illinois’ academic programs. The office advances the university’s academic mission by providing guidance, support, and oversight to the colleges and University Library; supporting the recruitment and career advancement of faculty and staff; recognizing and celebrating faculty accomplishments; overseeing undergraduate admissions; supporting the development of innovative academic programs and initiatives to efforts to ensure student success; and managing the university’s budget and human resources.
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