Sponsor Type
United States
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Last modified on 2024-06-04 04:32:47
About the Foundation The Paul and Johanna Laszig Fund for the Elderly was established under the Last Will and Testament of Irmgard Johanna Laszig. The Laszigs immigrated to the United States from Germany in 1932 and settled in Ridgefield, Connecticut. Paul Laszig ran the Modern Barber Shop on Catoonah Street for 33 years, where he enjoyed discussing investments with his clientele. Despite some very successful personal investments, the couple lived quite modestly throughout their lives. Paul died in 1974 and Johanna, who was wheelchair-bound, lived until 1980. In her later years, she was dependent on local organizations for assistance. As a result, she established The Paul and Johanna Laszig Fund for the Elderly, the income of which continues to benefit Ridgefield’s senior residents. Mission To benefit citizens of Ridgefield, Connecticut who are over the age of 62 and require financial assistance for their general welfare so they may live out the remainder of their lives in dignity.
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**About the Foundation** The Paul and Johanna Laszig Fund for the Elderly was established under...
Added on 2016-09-19T05:11:18Z
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