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Sponsor Type
United States
Grant Types
Research Project Collaboration/Cooperative Agreement
 Contact Info
675 North Randolph Street, Arlington, VA 22203-2114
Last modified on 2020-08-25 23:50:46
The mission of the Tactical Technology Office (TTO) is to transform the future of warfighting through high-risk, high-payoff development and demonstration of advanced space, air, maritime, and ground weapons, platforms, systems and technologies. This approach includes: A focus on revolutionary system architectures that are disaggregated, dispersed, diversified, and disruptive, to deter and pre-empt aggression, with the ultimate goal of maintaining U.S. military superiority in the future Identification, development, and demonstration of systems that break the cycle of large, expensive, exquisite, and increasingly vulnerable platforms, through approaches such as disaggregation, increased refresh opportunities, life cycle cost savings, and leveraging of commercial technology while retaining or increasing operational utility across a broader spectrum of strategic needs Systems-level demonstrations of novel technologies in realistic, operationally relevant conditions to support technology transition Support for traditional TTO performers to search for technical advancements in academia and start-up communities that support new concepts in space, air, maritime, and ground domains
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