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United States
 Contact Info
601 Broad Street, PO Box 1385, New Bern, NC 28563
Last modified on 2023-12-30 03:53:58
**About Us** Since 1957, United Way of Coastal Carolina (UWCC) has worked in Carteret, Craven, Jones and Pamlico Counties. Today, UWCC is the one of the largest private funders of education, income, and health services in the four-county area. Over the past ten years, UWCC has provided over $2.24 million in grants to local non-profit agencies. We also provide leadership for collaborative initiatives and strengthen volunteerism and advocacy among community members. These activities bring together human, financial, and strategic resources to help create better lives for all. **Serving Carteret, Craven, Jones and Pamlico Counties** Coastal NC is filled with outdoor adventures, rural communities, historic town centers, great business success stories, and its own unique set of community challenges and needs. Evolving our role to understand and respond to the most pressing issues, UWCC wants to engage more people, increase awareness of the issues each of our communities face, and create opportunities for long-term sustainable solutions.
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