Sponsor Type
United States
Grant Types
Training/Course Workshop/Conference Collaboration/Cooperative Agreement Equipment/Facility/Organization Other
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Last modified on 2024-03-24 20:12:34
Since 1958, United Way of the Wabash Valley has been bringing our community together and focusing on the building blocks of a good life. We fight for the Education, Health and Financial Stability of every person in our community. Our goal is to create long-lasting change in the Wabash Valley by addressing the underlying causes of problems. We unite donors and volunteers with organizations who are focused on producing real results. But funding these programs is not enough. We measure outcomes to ensure accountability and results. We monitor the needs of our community and respond quickly as issues and opportunities arise. And, thanks to the generous support of people throughout the Wabash Valley, we’re helping to improve lives every day. **Our Vision** WE ENVISION a thriving, inspired community focused on care and collaboration. **Our Mission** WE ACHIEVE OUR VISION BY working with and for our community to create lasting solutions to our greatest challenges.
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