Sponsor Type
United States
 Contact Info
(650) 234-4500
2121 Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025
Last modified on 2024-03-24 04:36:47
About Us The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation invests in creative thinkers and problem-solvers who are working to ensure everyone has a meaningful opportunity to thrive. Today, people in communities in the U.S. and around the world are increasingly losing faith in each other, and in even the possibility of progress. Institutions at every level are struggling to provide solutions that work for all people. The Hewlett Foundation addresses these challenges by harnessing society’s collective capacity to solve our toughest problems — from the existential threat of climate change, to persistent and pervasive inequities, to attacks on democracy itself. As one of the largest philanthropic organizations in the United States, we promote constructive dialogue across difference, and we provide reliable, responsive, and strategic support to our partners. Together, we are working to build an inclusive society where people, communities, and the planet flourish. Our History Established in 1966, the Hewlett Foundation is a nonpartisan philanthropy created through the personal generosity of engineer and entrepreneur Bill Hewlett and his wife, Flora. The Hewlett family’s philanthropic ethos remains at the core of the foundation’s enduring priorities and practices. The foundation is wholly independent of HP, Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE), and the HPE Foundation. Learn more about the Hewlett Family and Foundation History. Our Values We believe all people, no matter who they are or where they come from, should have the opportunity to thrive. That requires mutual respect — and a dedication to everyone’s well-being. Our philanthropic approach, emphasizing patience and collaboration, is rooted in the ethos of our founders and in what we’ve learned about effective philanthropy in nearly six decades of working with nonprofits and other partners in the U.S. and around the world. Learn more about our guiding principles. Our Programs We make grants across a number of program areas, many of which we have supported for decades. Globally — including in the U.S. — we make grants to advance gender equity and governance and to reduce the growing threat of climate change. Our U.S. efforts prioritize strengthening democracy, advancing education for all, and supporting community-led conservation in the North American West. Locally, we make grants to support meaningful artistic experiences in communities across the Bay Area and support regional foundations working on critical issues such as housing. We also address emerging challenges through time-limited initiatives, such as our current effort to reimagine capitalism and foster a “new common sense” about how the economy works and serves society’s aims. Across all of our programs, we invest in advancing racial justice and in strengthening the effectiveness of philanthropy itself. Learn more about our programs and initiatives.
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