
Find out how to use GrantForward's fundamental features with our one-pager PDF instructions and quick demo videos.

Category: Support Faculty
How Can I Set Up a Default Search for a User Type?
How Can I Set Up a Default Search for a User Type? - Preview
Each user type on GrantForward (Default, Student, Researcher, Staff) may need separate basic sets of filters for grant search and recommendations. As administrators, you can set predefined search filters for each user type, ensuring that your members are instantly presented with tailored results that align with their funding priorities and interests. For example, if you want to set up a default set of filters for staff users that return only funding opportunities applying to candidates in Tennessee, you can follow the steps below.
Category: Grant Search
How Can I Build and Manage Grant Lists?
How Can I Build and Manage Grant Lists? - Preview
After setting up a grant search and finding some desired grants matching your research needs, you can create a grant list to keep track of or manage these funding opportunities.
Category: Account and Settings
How Can I Join a Custom Group?
How Can I Join a Custom Group? - Preview
Learn how to join a custom group to receive grants and newsletters shared with your groups by administrators.
Category: GrantForward Profiles
How Can I Turn on Grant Recommendations?
How Can I Turn on Grant Recommendations? - Preview
Learn how to turn on grant recommendations as well as set the frequency for receiving recommendation emails.
Category: Grant Search
How Can I Search for Grants from a Specific Sponsor?
How Can I Search for Grants from a Specific Sponsor? - Preview
Learn how to search for grants from a specific sponsor via Grant Search and Sponsor Directory pages.
Category: Account and Settings
How Can I Create an Account?
How Can I Create an Account? - Preview
Learn how to create an institutional account on GrantForward as the first step to start exploring all functionality provided in one place.
Category: Account and Settings
How Can I Reset My Password?
How Can I Reset My Password? - Preview
In case you forget the password of your GrantForward account, you can easily reset it as per the steps below.
Category: Disseminate Funding Opportunities
How Can I Create an Internal Grant on GrantForward?
How Can I Create an Internal Grant on GrantForward? - Preview
Not only being a database for external opportunities, GrantForward now becomes a more efficient tool where you can also submit and manage internal grants within your institution. Thus, you’ll be able to curate both internal and external grants in one place and then promote them to your faculty, so they won’t miss any opportunities! To create an internal funding opportunity, please follow the steps below.
Category: Disseminate Funding Opportunities
How Can I Make an Institution Annotation on Every Grant?
How Can I Make an Institution Annotation on Every Grant? - Preview
Administrators now can annotate not only each grant but also every funding opportunity on our site at once. You can easily make an annotation with institution-specific information which will appear on every grant browsed by your institution members, e.g., internal submission instruction and deadline. For example, if you need to announce a condition for the grant submission and the contact of the Grant Office, you can follow the steps below.
Category: Learn Strategic Information
How Can I Find a Collaborator for My Project on GrantForward?
How Can I Find a Collaborator for My Project on GrantForward? - Preview
Knowing your demand for research collaboration, we support you in connecting with other researchers/students on GrantForward to find suitable partners for your projects. You can find a collaborator who already published their profile matching your research interests within your institution or across all institutions as the steps below.
Category: Manage Users
How Active Is Grant Delivery at My Institution?
How Active Is Grant Delivery at My Institution? - Preview
After sharing and disseminating grants to faculty members, you may want to view how active the grant delivery is and how effectively this activity works at your institutions to find ways to promote it better. You can go to the Admin Dashboard or Usage Report under the Administrator Console to view grant delivery statistics of the whole institution or visit the detail page of each user to view their statistics.
Category: Disseminate Funding Opportunities
How Can I Share a Grant List With My Members?
How Can I Share a Grant List With My Members? - Preview
To assist members in seeking funding opportunities, administrators can build grant lists specifically for different research interests of users, then share them with individuals, groups, or units. The recipients can view grants from those lists right on their homepages. For example, if you would like to share a grant list with your faculty members whose interest is in “big data”, you can follow the steps below.
Category: Account and Settings
How Can I Give Feedback on Grants and Newsletters Delivered to Me?
How Can I Give Feedback on Grants and Newsletters Delivered to Me? - Preview
After receiving search templates, curated grant lists, or newsletters shared by administrators, in addition to viewing them right on your personalized homepage, you can give feedback on them to let your administrators know how satisfied you are with their grant and newsletter delivery assistance.
Category: Grant Search
How Can I Share Selected Grants With My Colleagues?
How Can I Share Selected Grants With My Colleagues? - Preview
After setting up a search with relevant keywords/phrases and advanced search filters, you can share your search results including matching grants or a specific grant with your colleagues or friends for research collaboration. For example, if you want to share “life sciences” grants, you can follow the steps below.
Category: Account and Settings
Where Can I View Grants and Newsletters Shared With Me?
Where Can I View Grants and Newsletters Shared With Me? - Preview
Administrators can now assist their faculty better in the award-seeking process and reach out to them easier via grant dissemination and newsletter delivery. Thus, GrantForward provides you with a section called “Institution Updates” on your personalized homepage where you can receive notifications of grants and newsletters shared with you as well as quickly view them for detailed information.
Category: Grant Search
How Can I Find Funding Opportunities For My Location?
How Can I Find Funding Opportunities For My Location? - Preview
You can refine your search results to only display the grants which are available for your local residents to apply or will be executed in your location by using two location filters that we support: Applicant Locations and Activity Locations. For example, if you are looking for grants which are applicable for researchers who are working/living in Pennsylvania or Illinois, you can follow the steps below.
Category: Learn Strategic Information
How Can I Search for Pre-solicitations?
How Can I Search for Pre-solicitations? - Preview
GrantForward released Pre-solicitation Search to support users a complete award-seeking cycle, from Sponsors, Pre-solicitations, Grants to Funded Awards. This feature offers the notices from sponsors-- which provide a heads-up that grants will be released, and you can find them by keywords/phrases and other filters such as amount or estimated grant call date to prepare better for submitting applications at a later time.
Category: Learn Strategic Information
How Can I Search for Awarded Projects?
How Can I Search for Awarded Projects? - Preview
GrantForward released Award Search to support researchers a complete award-seeking cycle, from Sponsors, Pre-solicitations, Grants to Funded Awards. You can find who/what institutions were winning grants and what research topics have been funded, using keywords/phrases and various filters such as amount or start date.
Category: Disseminate Funding Opportunities
How Can I Embed GrantForward Widget in My Institution’s Website?
How Can I Embed GrantForward Widget in My Institution’s Website? - Preview
GrantForward supports an integration feature for embedding the search widget box in your institution’s website, which allows your members to search for grants, pre-solicitations, awards, or profiles on GrantForward right from your web page. To add the GrantForward widget to your website, please follow these simple steps below.
Category: Account and Settings
How Can I Use My Personalized Homepage?
How Can I Use My Personalized Homepage?  - Preview
GrantForward provides a personalized homepage to help you quickly see institution updates, personal updates, user groups as well as view GrantForward database updates and connect with potential researchers.
Category: Manage Users
How Can I See How Many Researcher Profiles Were Created?
How Can I See How Many Researcher Profiles Were Created? - Preview
If you would like to check how many researcher profiles were created within your institution, you can easily view them on the Usage Report page and view the details of each profile under the Researchers tab.
Category: Grant Search
How Can I Export Selected Grants for Future Reference?
How Can I Export Selected Grants for Future Reference? - Preview
After setting up a grant search with relevant keywords/phrases and advanced search filters, you can export the grant search and each grant opportunity for future viewing, sharing, and reference. For example, if you set up a complex search for “disease”, you can follow the steps below to export your search results or an individual grant.
Category: Disseminate Funding Opportunities
How Can I Share a Search Template With My Members?
How Can I Share a Search Template With My Members? - Preview
GrantForward allows the ability for administrators to disseminate grant searches to specific individuals, units, or groups at their institution. The recipients can view grants from those searches right in their homepages and receive email alerts of new grants. For example, if you would like to share a grant search with your faculty members whose interest is in “life sciences”, you can follow the steps below.
Category: Learn Strategic Information
How Can I Find Relevant Sponsors for My Research?
How Can I Find Relevant Sponsors for My Research? - Preview
If you are looking for new sponsors to get more grant opportunities for your research, GrantForward provides a Sponsor Directory for you to search for new grant sponsors. For example, if you are looking for sponsors for environmental concerns, in foundation space, then you can follow the steps below.
Category: Grant Search
What Advanced Search Filters Can I Use for Searching Grants?
What Advanced Search Filters Can I Use for Searching Grants? - Preview
To refine your grant search results for more matching grant opportunities, you can layer advanced search filters. Use the chart below to understand the functions of each filter and how they can improve your search.
Category: Disseminate Funding Opportunities
How Can I Link to GrantForward from My Institution's Website?
How Can I Link to GrantForward from My Institution's Website? - Preview
A great way to help your institution members become aware of their access to GrantForward and take advantage of the service is linking to GrantForward from your institution’s website. Here are some guidelines for how to link.
Category: Support Faculty
How Can I or My Members Find Help on GrantForward?
How Can I or My Members Find Help on GrantForward? - Preview
If you or your institution members are having difficulties in using GrantForward features or have any questions or concerns about our service, there are a variety of ways to find help including the Support Page, Youtube Channel, Contact Us, and 1:1 Support Sessions.
Category: GrantForward Profiles
How Can I Tailor My Grant Recommendations?
How Can I Tailor My Grant Recommendations? - Preview
After creating a Researcher Profile, you can make sure that the grant recommendations you are receiving are matching your research needs by tailoring your recommendation settings. You can edit your research interests and add filters so that the grants recommended to you will further match your research needs.
Category: Support Faculty
How Can I Help My Members Tailor Their Grant Recommendations?
How Can I Help My Members Tailor Their Grant Recommendations? - Preview
After creating researcher profiles for your members, you can help them ensure that the grant recommendations they are receiving are tailored to their research needs by refining data from their publications and modifying recommendation settings for further matching grants.
Category: GrantForward Profiles
How Can I Generate My Research Interests When Creating My Researcher Profile?
How Can I Generate My Research Interests When Creating My Researcher Profile? - Preview
When creating your researcher profile, you will need to generate research interests - a set of keywords/phrases that describe your research, in order to get grant recommendations tailored to your research needs.
Category: Support Faculty
How Can I Create Researcher Profiles for My Members?
How Can I Create Researcher Profiles for My Members? - Preview
Researcher Profiles allow your institution members to receive grant recommendations based on their research interests extracted from their publications/CVs. You can create researcher profiles for your members on your own or take advantage of our Auto Sign-up/Auto Profile service for profile creation.
Category: Grant Search
How Can I Find Grant Opportunities Using Advanced Keyword Search?
How Can I Find Grant Opportunities Using Advanced Keyword Search? - Preview
To start looking for grant opportunities, you will normally start with searching by keywords/phrases that are relevant to your research fields. In addition to the default Simple Search, GrantForward allows you to switch to Advanced Search to get further matching grants. Follow the steps below to find funding opportunities using advanced keyword search.
Category: Support Faculty
How Can I Know What Keywords My Members Are Searching?
How Can I Know What Keywords My Members Are Searching? - Preview
Whether you’re curious to see the kinds of keywords your institution members are using to search or want to make recommendations for better searches, you can generate a usage report in a specific period to view the keywords your institution members are searching.
Category: GrantForward Profiles
What Is the Difference Between Having an Account and a Profile?
What Is the Difference Between Having an Account and a Profile? - Preview
This tutorial helps you find out the difference between having an account and a profile on GrantForward. To get started using GrantForward, you must create an account, after that, you can build a profile to receive grant recommendations based on your research interests and connect with other researchers across all institutions.
Category: GrantForward Profiles
How Can I Create a Good Researcher Profile?
How Can I Create a Good Researcher Profile? - Preview
Your researcher profile is a homepage that displays your research interests and determines what grants will be recommended to you! It also presents information about your research, so your colleagues and other researchers can find you to collaborate. To create a good researcher profile, make sure to complete the following steps:
Category: Manage Users
How Active Are Users at My Institution?
How Active Are Users at My Institution? - Preview
GrantForward allows administrators to generate extensive usage reports to obtain an in-depth understanding of the research activities of your institution members on our site. Go into the Administrator Console and then select Usage Report, you can see the statistics regarding user interaction, visitors, search, grant delivery, and then find the ways to promote the usage at your institution.
Category: Account and Settings
How Can I Change Account Settings?
Learn how to view and edit your account information, change your password, or adjust notification settings.