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United States
 Contact Info
(301) 295-7476
US Army Garrison - Forest Glen, Armed Forces Pest Management Board (AFPMB), 2460 Linden Lane, BLDG 172, Silver Spring, MD 20910
Last modified on 2023-10-19 22:00:09
**About AFPMB** The Armed Forces Pest Management Board (AFPMB) recommends policy, provides guidance, and coordinates the exchange of information on all matters related to pest management throughout the Department of Defense (DoD). Vector borne disease, particularly malaria, resulted in far more casualties among US Forces in the South Pacific during World War II than combat operations. In response, the Army formed Mosquito Survey Units and the Navy formed Malaria Control Units (known as Skeeter Beaters). Their success resulted in the Services permanently establishing pest and vector surveillance and control capabilities and the establishment of the Armed Forces Pest Management Board. **AFPMB Mission** The Armed Forces Pest Management Board ensures that environmentally sound, safe, and effective programs are in place to prevent pests and disease vectors from adversely affecting DoD operations.
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