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Sponsor Type
United States
Grant Types
Fellowship/Scholarship/Dissertation Internship/Work-study Research Project Training/Course Collaboration/Cooperative Agreement Equipment/Facility/Organization Other
 Contact Info
(301) 443-3593
IHS Headquarters, Indian Health Service, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20857
Last modified on 2022-12-06 21:37:57
Our Mission: to raise the physical, mental, social, and spiritual health of American Indians and Alaska Natives to the highest level Our Vision: healthy communities and quality health care systems through strong partnerships and culturally responsive practices Strategic goals: to ensure that comprehensive, culturally appropriate personal and public health services are available and accessible to American Indian and Alaska Native people; to promote excellence and quality through innovation of the Indian health system into an optimally performing organization; and to strengthen IHS program management and operations The Indian Health Service, an agency within the Department of Health and Human Services , is responsible for providing federal health services to American Indians and Alaska Natives. The provision of health services to members of federally-recognized tribes grew out of the special government-to-government relationship between the federal government and Indian tribes. This relationship, established in 1787, is based on Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution, and has been given form and substance by numerous treaties, laws, Supreme Court decisions, and Executive Orders. The IHS is the principal federal health care provider and health advocate for Indian people, and its goal is to raise their health status to the highest possible level. The IHS provides a comprehensive health service delivery system for approximately 2.6 million American Indians and Alaska Natives who belong to 574 federally recognized tribes in 37 states.
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